Congrats On Your New Baby Wording Did Anyone Try To Rain On Your Parade, When You Told Them You Were Expecting?

Did anyone try to rain on your parade, when you told them you were expecting? - congrats on your new baby wording

My husband and I are both 30, were married 11 years and a half is 10 years old, son, daughter, daughter, 9 years 17 months and we expect that the latter (the other girl in October) ... Well, if you know she was with meinem 2 pregnant, my father told me: "And what do you call it? It closes? (ha ha) funny And he meant it, I thought it was a terrible thing to say in person ... Then, with the 4 . instead of doing so, at least to be happy, said: "They've come a bigger house." We have three bedrooms, and, yes, we also wanted to or next fall, hopefully in a room with a 5, but we are not completely dense or something ... Anyway, as you say, are not exactly words of greeting or joy, so he took me ... I know you tend to see the dark side of things when it about the coming, but my husband works full time, supported his family and child care, school, etc. We are not rich, but they are good parents and are doing very well! In addition, I work at night, a few months after the birth of the baby, so there may still be with children all day.

Not one of you felt compelled to have no more children? It seems that many people are on those who do not choose to look you in the "one from each category, which means two children ... My husband and I knew that we had 4 children before you married and then fall in October - - - --- just like that.:) (My parents are with him are good today, but both tend to see the negative side of life, unfortunately, that's really crimp in our relationship.)


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